
open post

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Masterclass – Liège – Musique en Mouvement asbl.

in Events, Masterclass, News

On my way to Liège, Belgium for a series of masterclasses from 8-12 February! Thanks to Musique en Mouvement for the opportunity!
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open post

Synthermia (Thessaloniki) – 5th international music festival, Masterclasses and Lecture

in Conference, Events, Masterclass, News

I am very happy to have been invited to teach piano masterclasses in Thessaloniki, Greece, from June 29 – July 2 for […]

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open post

ДШИ им. Даргомыжского (Moscow)

in Events, Masterclass

Competition Jury Panel http://
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open post

FESTIVAL SIRGA – Concert and Masterclass

in Concert, Events, Interviews, Masterclass

Listen to Interview

16 July – Escola Municipal de Musica – FESTIVAL SIRGA
I will be teaching masterclasses at the Festival SIRGA in Flix, Spain on […]

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